March 2, 2020
JESUS IS RISEN, JUST AS HE SAID As Jesus led his disciples up to Jerusalem, he told them that he was going up there to be betrayed to the chief priests and scribes who would condemn him to death and turn him over to the Gentiles for execution. Yet on the third day, he would
February 28, 2020
LEAD LIKE JESUS Jesus turned the theory of leadership upside down. He taught His disciples, who were arguing about who would rise to leadership, that the path to greatness in God’s economy was downward, not upward. Jesus was the model of the Servant Leader. He led by service. Washing feet, feeding the hungry, healing the
February 26, 2020
A SECOND TOUCH FROM JESUS Jesus healed many that were blind with a single word or touch, yet in this case, the blind man received a second touch. He saw light without focus on the first touch, but the second touch of Jesus gave him clarity, so that he saw “everything clearly.” We must be
February 23, 2020
WHAT WILL BE YOUR MISSION REPORT TO CHRIST? When the disciples returned from where Christ had sent them out two-by-two on mission, they reported to Him what they had done and taught. They must have been thrilled to give their mission report to Jesus. For He was their Captain and their Friend. What joy they
February 22, 2020
WHOM THE LORD SENDS HE SUPPLIES Jesus sent His disciples out two-by-two, empowering them to do the ministry they had seen Him doing. They were not to worry about gathering up provisions for the journey, for their needs would be met by those to whom they ministered. Those who are called into ministry or
February 21, 2020
CHRIST’S METHOD OF LIFE-ON-LIFE DISCIPLESHIP When Jesus went into the home of the synagogue ruler whose daughter had died, He only permitted three of the Twelve to follow inside. Peter, James and John were often singled out for such occasions. They were witnesses on that day of Jesus raising the synagogue ruler’s daughter up from
February 17, 2020
NEW WINESKINS FOR NEW WINE The Pharisees questioned Jesus as to why he and his disciples did not fast as they did. He answered with a double parable that illustrated the futility of trying to bind something new to something old. However, his answer had greater relevance than fasting. For the old garment and the
February 15, 2020
HOW NEAR IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? In the gospel of Mark, he reported that Jesus began His public ministry in Galilee. He came preaching a message of fulfillment, God’s kingdom, repentance and faith in the good news. Of fulfillment, because the long awaited Messiah, Jesus, had finally come. As Paul wrote, “When the
March 12, 2019
WHO WILL MOVE THE STONE? On the first Easter morning, the women who went to anoint the Lord’s body worried about moving the stone that sealed His tomb. Arriving there, they found that the enormous stone had already been rolled away, revealing the empty tomb. Do you know someone that seems close to believing,
March 9, 2019
HAS JESUS INVITED YOU TO PRAY WITH HIM? Jesus invited Simon Peter, James, and John to keep watch and pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. It was the night of His betrayal, the day before His trial and crucifixion. He wanted them as prayer partners. They were willing, but their flesh was weak