December 8, 2019
Matthew 2:1-12
Our wishes, our longings, are really a kind of worship. Because that’s what worship is. Worship is seeing something or someone that we count worthy of our affection and longing, our love, and then, recognizing that worthiness, we seek to give them what they’re worth.
In the book of Matthew the story of the birth of Jesus was told within the political backdrop of the times. Jesus was the one prophesied to be King, but He came in the most unexpected way. And from the beginning there was a battle between His Kingdom and the false king that usurped His Throne. The challenge for us is to remove our worship from the false king and to put our worship on the true King, Jesus Christ. After all, it’s His birthday we’re celebrating. Not ours.
November 24, 2019
Matthew 16:24
Our flesh, our sin nature, constantly desires the easy way, the short cut, it wants its own way. But the way of discipleship, the way of following Jesus begins with a decision to “deny ourselves.” In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus described what it meant to answer the call to come after Him and be one of His disciples. We can answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus.
February 12, 2019
WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH JESUS? The Roman Governor Pilate asked the crowd to answer this question for him. He sought to avoid making a decision about Jesus, but his plan backfired. The crowd’s surprising support of the criminal Barabbas left Pilate still responsible to answer the question of what to do with Jesus. Pilate
February 10, 2019
JESUS, SON OF MAN, SON OF GOD Jesus remained silent before His accusers. But when Caiaphas, the high priest, demanded that Jesus answer whether He was the Messiah, the Son of God, He replied, “You have said it.” In other words, Jesus answered in the positive. And Jesus said even more, quoting the prophet Daniel,
February 9, 2019
THE LORD JESUS SANG ON THE NIGHT OF HIS BETRAYAL The night Jesus was betrayed to be crucified, He joined His disciples in singing a hymn before going up to the Mount of Olives to pray and await His betrayer. What hymn did they sing? The traditional Passover hymns were the “Hallel” (“praise”) psalms found
February 8, 2019
EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY THE MARK OF GOSPEL BELIEVING PEOPLE What Jesus said is true. Wherever the gospel is preached, the story of a woman’s extravagant generosity towards Jesus is told. A woman in Bethany came up to him with “an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and poured it on his head” (Matt.26:7) causing those in
February 7, 2019
ARE YOU INVESTING IN THE MASTER’S WORK? This is from the Parable of the Talents. Matthew’s gospel has this parable arranged in alignment with Jesus’ discussion of end times in chapter 24 and nested between His Parable of the Ten Virgins and His discussion of the judgment of the sheep and goats. Its placement and
January 21, 2019
WHICH KING WILL YOU CHOOSE? This was Herod the “Tetrarch” (“ruler of a quarter”), not Herod the Great. He was one of the sons of Herod the Great, and was better known as “Antipas.” After the death of Herod the Great, his sons went before Tiberius Caesar to plea their case for their father’s throne,
January 20, 2019
GIVING ALL, LOSING NOTHING, GAINING EVERYTHING! One of Christ’s many kingdom parables, this one emphasizes the willingness of one to give up everything in this world in order to have the kingdom of heaven. The value of the kingdom is “hidden” to most, yet revealed to those who discover its treasure. Others probably thought the
January 18, 2019
WHICH IS HARDER TO BELIEVE? Jesus affirmed two miraculous events in one verse. First, what many call fable, Jesus treated as fact. Jesus not only affirmed the Jonah story in Scripture, but saw it as a Messianic sign. Second, He prophesies His own death and resurrection. Modern man may discount the stories of the Bible