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“Since David called the Messiah ‘my Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?” (Matthew 22:45 NLT).

February 3, 2018

The Pharisees expected a Messiah to be born in the lineage of David that would overthrow Rome and restore Israel as a nation. They did not understand the prophecies that foretold the Messiah’s divinity. This was the point that Jesus wanted to make with them, that the Messiah would not only be in the lineage of David, but also the Son of God. He was trying to open their eyes to see that He was in fact, the Messiah, the son of David and the Son of God.

When the Pharisees asked Jesus a question, their motivation was usually to entrap (Matt. 22:35) or otherwise show Him to be in error. However, when Jesus asked them this question about the Messiah, His motive seems to be not to stump them, although that was the apparent outcome, but to reveal His true identity to them.

‘When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, “What do you want me to do for you?”’ (Matthew 20:32 NLT).

February 1, 2018

When Jesus hears, he stops. He makes time for those who cry out to Him. And even though He already knows what we need, He asks us to tell Him.

“What do you want me to do for you?” He asks.

Why does He ask this? I’m not sure, but I think it must be, so that in naming the thing, we are expressing our faith that He can do it. And we are showing our dependence on Him as a child with a parent. So, get specific with Him in your prayers. He wants to know exactly what you need from Him.

Vision Sunday 2018

January 28, 2018 | Matthew 28:18-20 | vision

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission which called them to make disciples of all nations and the Great Commandment which encouraged them to make disciples who had a heart of love. These two great statements give us the guiding vision from Jesus that the Church is to make disciples who have a heart of love. As we consider these two statements from Jesus, they help us understand why we exist as a local church.

“So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:4 NLT).

January 27, 2018

The disciples were constantly debating among themselves the question of who would be the greatest when Jesus came into His kingdom. They finally asked Jesus. He answered by calling a little child over to Him and saying that unless they repented of their sins and became as this child they wouldn’t even get into the kingdom of heaven, much less be great. For the currency of the kingdom isn’t the currency of the world. The currency of the kingdom is asking, not earning; it’s humbling oneself, not seeking glory. It’s welcoming a child on Christ’s behalf and in effect, welcoming Christ Himself.

Applying this to our church, it seems to me that those who willingly serve in our children’s ministries may be on to something…

Be Faithful

January 21, 2018 | Matthew 25:14-30 | faithfulness, goals

Americans love a success story. We love a winner. We may give out participation trophies to our kids, but once they’re grown up, we expect them to see second place as no better than last place.

But God’s economy is different than the world’s. His goal for you is not that you would be successful. God’s goal for you is that you would be faithful!

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his disciples a parable to teach them his goal for them to be faithful with the talents he had entrusted to them until his return. We can be faithful with what the Lord has entrusted to us until his return.

“Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come.” (Matthew 12:32 NLT).

January 18, 2018

Yes. But it’s not what most people think. It’s not mass murder or some heinous crime. The blood of Christ is sufficient to cover any sin. But it cannot cover the continual, willful rejection of the Holy Spirit’s testimony concerning Jesus Christ. The Pharisees had witnessed Jesus setting a demon-possessed man free, restoring his sight and speech, yet they attributed the miracle to Satan. Even though they had knowledge of the Scriptures, which spoke of Christ, they had evidence of His miraculous power, they had the Spirit bearing witness to His identity… They willfully rejected Jesus. How can God forgive the one who will not recognize and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord? They have rejected the very One who would forgive them by rejecting and even speaking against the Holy Spirit who testifies of Jesus.

“My Father has entrusted everything to me. No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:27-28 NLT).

January 16, 2018

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, has been given “everything.” Whatever belongs to the Father belongs to Jesus. Jesus is the One who makes the first move towards us, choosing to reveal the Father to us. Then, Jesus is the One who calls us to “come unto” Him.

If you hear the Son’s call, then come. Come and find rest for your souls. Come and truly know the Father through Jesus, the Son.

‘Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he asked them, “Why do you have such evil thoughts in your hearts?”‘ (Matthew 9:4 NLT).

January 12, 2018

When Jesus forgave the sins of the paralyzed man, some religious teachers who witnessed it said to themselves that he had committed blasphemy. For only God can forgive sin. Yet, Jesus “knew what they were thinking.” They must have been shocked to have Jesus turn to speak to them as they stood along the back of the crowd, whispering among themselves. However, there is no record of their repentance. Their intellectual pride prevented them from seeing Jesus for who He is–– the Son of God and Messiah.

In this one encounter, Jesus forgave sin, caused the lame to walk, and knew what others were thinking and what was truly in their hearts. Who else but God could do this?

The religious teachers said to themselves, “Does he think he’s God?”

Yes. Yes, He does. And so do all those who believe in Him.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 NLT).

January 8, 2018

In Christ’s sermon on the mount, we learn something about persistence in prayer and more importantly, about the goodness of the Father in answering. Jesus taught His followers to be persistent in “asking, seeking and knocking.” Then, He revealed the Father’s heart by comparing the good gifts that even sinful parents give their children with how much more the Heavenly Father will give good gifts to those who ask Him (Matt. 7:11).

The currency of the kingdom is asking. As the apostle James wrote, “You have not because you ask not” (James 4:2).

Be a Follower

January 7, 2018 | Matthew 16:24 | following, goals

The new year is upon us and with it many of us are setting goals we’d like to accomplish this year. We want to be winners and leaders. We want to achieve greatness in some arena of life. We want self-fulfillment. These are admirable goals, yet the way the world seeks such goals is very different from the way the Lord would have us take. For the Lord teaches us that the way to winning is losing, the way to self-fulfillment is self-denial, the way of greatness is serving. He teaches that in order to become a great leader, you must first learn to be a follower.

The world’s path is very different from the Lord’s. The world’s way may seem to work for a season, but many of us have tried to climb the ladder of success only to find that it was leaning against the wrong building. A man achieves that big promotion, but loses his family in the process. A woman tries to be a super-wife, a super-mom and seek super fulfillment in her career, but all she feels is super-burned-out. A teenager wears the latest fashions, listens to the latest tunes and tries to use all the latest lingo, but still feels alone and unaccepted at school.

Yet, as people of faith, we are not to live as the world lives. We’re supposed to be different. We don’t follow a philosophy, we follow a Person. We don’t follow a system, we follow our Savior. In the book of Matthew, Jesus described what it meant to answer the call to come after Him and be one of His followers. We can answer the call to be a follower of Jesus.