January 30, 2012
Jesus taught the disciples the principle of servant-leadership. This kind of leader leads from the front, not the rear. This father does what he says. This mother models what she teaches. This manager helps others get promoted. This pastor isn’t working a job, but lives out a life-calling.
January 28, 2012
National statistics show that Christians are now just as likely to be divorced as non-believers. This shows the disconnect between our faith and our faithfulness. Should Christians suffer from “hardened hearts?” (As it turns out, this statistic was reported in error. Recent book by Shaunti Feldhahn, “Good News About Marriage”)
January 21, 2012
Jesus directs this to His disciples who are able to understand His parables. There is an encouragement here for the preacher to set a table from the storehouse of both Old and New Testaments.
January 19, 2012
Jesus compares God’s Word to a seed and the human heart to soil. He names types of soil that illustrate four heart conditions- hardened path, rocky, weedy, and good. Which is yours?
January 17, 2012
Matthew quotes Isaiah to show how Christ the King has fulfilled the prophecies in the OT. The Name of Jesus has indeed become the hope of the world. Will you call on His Name today? Will you pray in His Name believing?
January 15, 2012
Surely Peter recalled these words from Jesus after denying Him three times. Yet Jesus didn’t leave Peter in this broken condition. He restored Peter saying, “Do you love me?” Isn’t that what this is about? If you really love Jesus, then you’ll stand up and tell others.
January 14, 2012
What Jesus told His disciples about fear of witnessing. Our part is to go and to share. It is the Holy Spirit that abides within us who will speak through us, if we are obedient to go. No fear.
January 10, 2012
Who will be at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb? Here Jesus confirms three names on the list. Invitations are going out worldwide. Have you sent your RSVP?
January 9, 2012
What kind of foundation are you building your life on? Jesus promises that building on Him won’t mean there won’t be any storms, but it will mean that your house will still be standing when the storms pass. Build your life on the Solid Rock!
January 5, 2012
Jesus reminded the Jews of God’s purpose for them– to be salty in a tasteless world. Only a little salt adds flavor, heals wounds, and preserves. Jesus now calls us to be salt and light in a wounded, decaying, and dark world, showing forth His glory.