September 9, 2017
There is a theology of work. God works. God made man in His own image and gave him work to do too. The modern view that there is a division between secular and sacred work is in error. All work is sacred when done “as to the Lord” (Col. 3:23). When good work is done with excellence, even kings take notice. Such a worker will “stand before” well known and important people. Their work will become a platform from which to communicate. Will they accept glory for themselves or will they give glory to God? Jesus worked. He said, “My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17). A right theology of work teaches us that there is no work that is to be considered beneath us, for Jesus Himself washed the disciples feet. And a right theology of work also teaches us to rest, for Jesus Himself knew when to rest. All work is sacred when done in Jesus’ name.
August 26, 2017
The Hebrew is literally, “The rich and poor meet…” What does this “meeting” imply? Perhaps it points to the human tendency to focus on the externals, such as wealth and material things, that often cause the rich and the poor to clash. Or perhaps it is an observation that the rich and the poor need one another. However, I like the idea that it points to the great leveling of the gospel that invites all to come to the cross on equal terms, namely, through repentance of the sin that besets rich and poor alike, and believing in Christ as the only means of salvation. It is this gospel that allows the poor to boast in their “exaltation,” and the rich in their “humiliation” (James 1:9-11). The ground is level at the cross. All who approach will recognize their common need. All who receive must recognize their common Lord, who is the Maker and Savior of us all.
July 28, 2017
Righteous parents who live a life of integrity, leave a legacy that continues to bless their children. Integrity is that crucial character trait of consistency, so that one’s walk matches one’s talk. Children see both the public and private lives of their parents. Those who observe their parent’s faith in Jesus practiced in the home, as well as in the church, are truly blessed.
Do you walk in integrity before your children? Will they be blessed after you?
July 25, 2017
How many have been “led astray” by alcohol? The one who is normally thoughtful and well-spoken becomes a “mocker” when intoxicated. The peaceful one becomes a “brawler” when under the influence. How many families have been torn apart, how many friendships broken, how many fortunes lost because of alcohol? Be wise. “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).
July 23, 2017
The spared and spoiled child grows up to bring shame and blame on his parents. He squanders his father’s inheritance and puts his own mother out of the family home in her old age to fend for herself. Make no mistake, God sees such a one and holds him accountable for breaking the commandment to honor his father and mother.
July 19, 2017
There is a short window of time for teaching children obedience. During this time there is hope that parental discipline might become the child’s own self-discipline. It may seem a lot of work to discipline a child of ages 2 through 6, but it becomes nearly hopeless for the parent who waits until they are 12 through 16 before starting to correct their behavior. Chasten a child while they are young and when they are older, they will have learned to respect and obey. And be certain to aim past the behavior to the heart. For the child is more tenderhearted than the teen. Teach the child about sin, repentance, and forgiveness through Jesus. For the child is more receptive to spiritual things than the adult. Do this important parental work while there is still hope.
July 10, 2017
Another way of reading this proverb might be: “A man may have many fair-weathered ‘friends,’ but it is rare to have one who remains for him when trouble comes.”
Such a friend is rare indeed, for he “sticks closer” than his own family. Jesus is such a friend. As He told his disciples, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus demonstrated this love when He died for us on the cross. O, what a Friend we have in Jesus!
June 2, 2017
Gold and silver are the currency of the world, but in heaven they will be as common as the stones we walk on. However, wisdom and understanding are both valuable here and essential for heaven. And where do we “get wisdom?” It is found in Christ alone. For “Christ is the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24). True riches are found in Christ alone (Phil. 4:19).
May 25, 2017
The instruction of wisdom begins with a proper fear of the Lord. Wisdom understands that God made us, sustains us, always watches us, and will one day demand an accounting of us. Understanding the attributes and works of God, wisdom rightly has an appropriate fear of God. The fear of God goes hand in hand with humility before God. The one who bows in humility and lowers the eyes in respect, will be honored and blessed by the Lord. But the stiff-necked fool who honors himself will be opposed (James 4:6).
May 24, 2017
There are ears that don’t hear. Not because they are physically deaf, but because they refuse to listen to correction. The ears of the fool filter out rebuke, but the wise are teachable, listening to constructive criticism. Those who are hearers and doers of the Word, will abide with the wise.