June 8, 2016
A wise observation by King Solomon: Hunger motivates work. In other words, an empty stomach can actually “work for” the worker to encourage greater effort. The opposite must also be true: Free food inspires lethargy. Forgetting this wisdom is detrimental to both the individual and the community.
May 20, 2016
Get advice before you act. Cultivate a personal board of advisors for your life decisions. Choose those whose lives exemplify godly wisdom. Pray together with them, seeking direction from the Lord. Then, be humble enough to follow their counsel.
April 29, 2016
Many today claim to have found a new and better “way.” Some say theirs is the way of freedom. Others claim their way is as good as any other. “Aren’t all ways the same?” They ask with a wink and a nod. Yet, God’s Word says that these “ways” only “seem right.” In reality, death lies just around the turn. Death by a thousand cuts: Death of a relationship, of a marriage, death of a desired future… and finally death of the body and the eternal death that follows. The way that seems right to man is paved like a highway, and seems attractive to follow, yet it concludes with a dead end of destruction. However, there is another way, a narrow way, that leads to life, yet few will find it (Matt. 7:13-14).
April 4, 2016
We live in an increasingly thin-skinned world. People seem so easily offended. Nearly every category of humanity is declaring victimhood. Yet, the Bible describes those who are easily offended as foolish. On the other hand, those who ignore an insult are called “prudent” or wise. Jesus is both our model, and our source of strength, for living with this kind of unoffendable wisdom. It was He who declared from the cross, “Father, forgive them they don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34). His identity was unassailable from others for it rested in the Father’s approval. That’s the key. If our identity depends on the approval of others, we will be continually “vexed” by every felt offense. But if our identity is secure in Christ, we will care only for His approval, wanting only to please Him in everything. When our identity is found in Jesus, we are unoffendable when others insult us.
March 2, 2016
Worldly riches are temporary and so is the happiness they bring, for they always contain trouble as well. The new car smell always wears off. The new clothes always fade. Moth and rust destroy and thieves steal. But the blessing of the Lord is eternal and adds no trouble. His blessing cannot be earned, only received. Which do you seek?
February 28, 2016
The more one talks, the greater the likelihood of sinning. The wise man “restrains his lips,” keeping silent and actively listening to others before carefully choosing words of response. Try talking less and listening more today. Ask the Lord to help you hear His voice and to hear the voices of others before uttering a word yourself. Talkers should talk less.
February 23, 2016
The heart without love is easily offendable. It looks for offense and strikes back to defend. It leaves a trail of broken relationships in its wake. But the heart of love is hard to offend because it thinks of others ahead of itself. It has no need to defend or protect because love is its strong tower. Where ever the heart of love goes, healing and reconciliation happen. Are you overly sensitive and easily offendable? Ask God to examine your heart.
December 17, 2015
A proverb and a prayer asking God to supply just the right “allotment” of wealth to avoid the extremes of both “poverty and riches.” Each condition presents its own spiritual and moral problems. The rich are tempted to be “full and deny” the God who blessed them. They forget that the Lord is both Creator and Owner of all. They become self-satisfied and smug. The poor are tempted to “steal” and to blame God for their plight, “profaning” His great Name. They forget to trust God and blame Him and others for their plight. Both poverty and riches bring their own trouble. Better to focus on the Lord who blesses, than on the blessings themselves. Trusting in the Lord to meet our needs, we are able to say along with the apostle Paul, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil.4:12-13).
November 14, 2015
This is one of the purposes of fellowship: mutual “sharpening.” The life of faith is to be lived out in community. First, to be in communion with God and then, with other believers. The life lived in a community of faith offers accountability, so that spiritual growth is encouraged. Sure, when iron strikes iron the sparks may fly, but those committed to the family of God do not pull away, rather they cling to one another, knowing that this is the will of God. This verse is the motto for our church’s men’s ministry, which we call the “Ironmen Ministry.” But the verse is appropriate for all that would desire to live out their faith in community as God commands.
November 6, 2015
Are your friendships based on flattery or fidelity? Are your ears open to correction? A true friend will tell you the truth about you because they seek the best for you. But an enemy may flatter you to your face, while tearing you down to others behind your back. Ask God for wisdom to know the difference.