November 4, 2013
Or as my parents and grandparents would say, “Lord willin’ we’ll do such and such tomorrow…” Although the “Lord willin” phrase sounded cliche, it still pointed to an awareness of God’s sovereignty over all things. Have we lost this awareness today?
October 13, 2013
Words have power. A thoughtful and well chosen word is like a beautiful and expensive gift to the hearer. It has the power to hang about the neck and wrist of its recipient as a continual reminder of encouraging grace. We have the power in Jesus’ name to bless others with such words.
October 7, 2013
Something we often get backwards in our world today… borrowing to build and furnish our house, before we’ve established our income. Proverbs instructs us in wisdom and wisdom says, build up your business first, then build your house. This might also apply to church planting. First minister to your community, rent space, meet in homes, disciple new believers… then look for a home. It may take 19 years, but it’ll be worth it!
October 3, 2013
Are you worried about increasing wickedness in the world? Do you envy the prosperity of the godless? Worry and envy won’t help! Entrust these things to God who holds the future. Then, live in such a way that the light of Christ within you shines in this darkness.
September 25, 2013
A home is not built with wood, brick and nails alone, but by wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Its furnishings may be fashionable, but your home won’t be filled with beautiful riches without the Author of Wisdom at its center. You may think that a refi of your mortgage or redoing your kitchen will bring happiness to your house, but what you really need is the Lord as your home’s architect.
May 11, 2013
Answering anger with anger leads to escalation of hostilities. The wise person knows how to turn down the heat of confrontation with soft words. What words will you choose today? Words that stir up anger and division, or words that calm and lead to unity?
April 29, 2013
Jesus made two statements that refine our understanding of this proverb. He said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matt.7:13). Then, describing this “narrow” way, he said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to Father except through Me” (John 14:6). There is a worldly highway jammed with traffic that seems right since “everyone else is doing it,” but it leads to death. Only a few follow the narrow path winding past the hill Golgotha and the empty tomb as they follow the risen Lord Jesus. Yet, those who do find rest at the end of the road.
April 18, 2013
Get rich quick schemes and lottery tickets are attempts to gain wealth “hastily,” yet the Bible says such riches will only dwindle (diminish until none remains). But those who save a “little” at a time learn the discipline of money management and their wealth increases. Such people have learned to pay God 1st (tithe), pay themselves 2nd (save) and live off the rest (live within a budget). Have you learned God’s way of stewardship?
April 13, 2013
Words have power. So, the wise person will “guard” what they say. Read Eph.4:29 to receive instruction on what kind of words to say and to avoid. Your words should “preserve life” giving grace and edifying the hearer. Ask the Lord to help you guard your tongue because only His power can help us “tame” it (James 3:8).
April 8, 2013
A very practical proverb for those who desire achievement. It teaches us that the one who is “diligent” (Marked by persevering, painstaking effort; conscientiousness in accomplishing one’s duties; hardworking) will eventually be recognized and promoted to leadership positions. And the one who is “slothful” (Disinclined to work or exertion; lazy; slow and apathetic in behavior) will end up having to work menial jobs just to pay their debts. We make much of education these days, but not enough of hard work. ‘Work hard and don’t quit’ is a good word for those in secular as well as sacred work.