January 21, 2013
The first step for growing in wisdom is a desire to do so. Those who grow in wisdom, seek after it. There is a kind of wisdom that the world admires, but it does not lead to true understanding and life. The wisdom that God gives is life. Do you want this wisdom? Then, ask, seek, knock… and it will be given to you.
January 14, 2013
This wisdom is best understood as a full and growing knowledge of God’s Word combined with the understanding of how to rightly apply it to life’s circumstances. There is a way of thinking that the world calls wise, but it is foolishness to God and leads to death. The wisdom of God leads to blessing and eternal life.
January 12, 2013
The Hebrew verb “honor” (kabad) may also be translated “give glory to” or “to give weight to, weighty.” The idea is that we recognize the Lord as the Owner and Giver of all things. We give our “firstfruits” to the Lord to show that we put Him first. Many say that they honor God, but it is merely lip service. Do you give “honor” (priority, glory, weight) to the Lord?
January 10, 2013
Rather than depending on your own wisdom, depend on God’s. Put your utmost confidence in Him and in His Word for your decision-making. And as you do, give Him the credit for everything, worshiping and thanking Him in all things. In so doing, we can stop worrying about tomorrow, entrusting the future into His hands.
December 29, 2012
Have you been given a voice? Then, use it to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Do not be silent when others are being crushed.
November 28, 2012
Wealth isn’t the problem. It’s the attitude of wanting wealth quickly, of a willingness to take any shortcut, no matter the ethic. The one who works to earn over a long time, knows the value of things and how to manage. The one who obtains quickly, loses it the same way. Easy come, easy go. And with that, “trouble.” Those who believe this proverb, won’t waste their dollar on a lottery ticket, but will invest it instead.
November 19, 2012
Even Solomon, who God used to write this proverb, led Israel’s decline into idolatry and “moral rot.” If God’s chosen nation was susceptible, then any nation is. Americans are increasingly of the opinion that moral character is a private matter that has no bearing on public competence. However, the Bible says that character and competence cannot be separated. Morality matters.
November 15, 2012
The heart is the seat of the intellect, passion and will. It is the motive behind every action. You can hide your heart from other people for a season, but ultimately some circumstance will expose it’s true nature. Only God can give you a new heart. What does your heart reveal about you?
November 6, 2012
Are your friendships based on flattery or fidelity? Are your ears open to correction? A true friend will tell you the truth about you. What kind of friends have you chosen to hear?
November 4, 2012
We put dates on our calendars and plan for events a year in advance, yet we have no promise of tomorrow. Be careful not to brag of your plans. Instead say, “Lord willing…” (James 4:15). Or as those in the South say, “Lord willin and the criks don’t rise…” Or as the old preacher of my youth taught me to say, “If the Lord delays His comin and lets me live another day, I plan to be doin such and such tomorrow!”