July 2, 2012
The very Name of the Lord is a fortress. When you are discouraged or distressed, you can find encouragement in saying His Name. Have you yet called on the Name of the Lord in this way? Do you know the power He invests in His Name? And what Name has God raised to the highest place, but the name “Jesus.” Run to Him, calling out His Name and find salvation.
June 26, 2012
Hmm… I think I’ll keep my commentary to a minimum on this… It speaks for itself.
June 16, 2012
Fault-finding is easy, but love looks for good. When we focus on faults, we foster separation. But looking through the lens of love, we find forgiveness and oneness. Are you a fault-finder? Or have you learned the art of seeing others through the eyes of God’s love?
June 14, 2012
The Lord has allowed me to live to see the truth of this proverb. What a blessing to have grandchildren not only by blood, but also by Spirit. For God has blessed me to know both. I have three grandchildren (and one on the way) through the flesh. But I have untold spiritual grandchildren through the preaching of the Gospel!
June 11, 2012
Peace is better than prosperity. If there is discord at your house, money won’t fix it. Couples think financial problems are the source of their marital woes, but poor communication and lack of forgiveness are nearly always at the root. Start talking and forgiving one another, then sharing a PB&J sandwich will feel like a sumptuous feast.
May 24, 2012
Are you spiritually FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable)? Great leaders are life-long learners. Can you show up on time and available for any task your God-given leader assigns? Do you take notes and read instructions? Do you ask questions and obey? Know-it-alls harm themselves, but FAT people prosper and grow!
May 16, 2012
GIGO – “Garbage in, garbage out.” What are you feeding your mind and spirit? There is more input pouring non-stop into our lives these days, but more is not necessarily better. Take time to feed your soul. Turn off the torrent of media for a moment and READ GOD’S WORD!
May 11, 2012
We want to give back as we get. It’s hard to be the one who gives the “gentle answer.” Yet this is the best way to defuse an escalating situation. This isn’t being a “doormat,” letting someone run over you. It’s actually a position of greater control, speaking the truth in love (Eph.4:15), not seeking to win, but to understand one another.
May 6, 2012
Fear, respect, be in awe of God. Not because He is cruel or capricious, but because He is Creator and King. Fearing Him, we don’t have to fear anything else, including death itself.
April 28, 2012
Psychologists tell us we shouldn’t feel guilty, saying, “Guilt is a relic of religion.” But the Bible says they are fools. Do you know why we feel guilty? Because we are. Rather than denying or medicating our guilt, why not acknowledge it and let the blood of Jesus remove it?