February 28, 2011
The more talk, the greater likelihood for sin. Hold your tongue. Rein it in, and listen more. People who talk too much have to offer more apologies. Give someone the gift of listening to them today.
February 28, 2011
The more talk, the greater likelihood for sin. Hold your tongue. Rein it in, and listen more. People who talk too much have to offer more apologies. Give someone the gift of listening to them today.
February 24, 2011
The wise man listens and reflects. The fool blabs on and on without thinking. How can wisdom increase without hearing? He that hath ears let him hear. Be still and know.
January 24, 2011
In a culture of course and uncouth mouths, God’s people should stand out by what we don’t say and how we don’t say it. You can tell where a person is from by the way they talk. Where are you from?
January 18, 2011
What makes us withhold good? Are we afraid we won’t have enough? Do we wonder if they deserve good? What good is within “your power to act?” Do the good you’ve been empowered to do!
January 12, 2011
Worship – to ascribe worth. Honor – to place high value on or pay homage. Does the way you use your wealth bring honor and worship to God?