March 23, 2020
THE RICH AND GENEROUS LIFE OF THE OPEN HAND God’s Word promises that the one who is generous will be made rich. The promise is further illustrated by the phrase, “he who waters will also be watered himself.” Perhaps Solomon was sitting near the Jordan River when he wrote this proverb. As the snow melted
March 16, 2020
DO YOU SEEK WISE COUNSEL BEFORE DECIDING? It has been said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Similarly, those who refuse to learn from the experience of others are doomed to make the same mistakes that they have made. And even when they do take the time to get
March 10, 2020
HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST? Wealth is useful when facing human justice. It pays for attorneys and even judges of a certain type. Yet, “riches do not profit” when we face the judgment seat of God. All the treasure in the world is useless on that day. As one has said, “You never
February 4, 2020
WHAT’S THE APPLE OF YOUR EYE? Solomon wrote these words to his son, advising him to keep his commands and live. This is good advice for all as it applies to God’s Word. How many ways are named that one might keep God’s Word? 1) Treasure God’s commands within you. 2) Keep God’s commands
January 12, 2020
HONORING THE LORD WITH OUR MONEY AND POSSESSIONS The Hebrew verb “honor” (kabad) may also be translated “give glory to” or “to give weight to.” This first involves recognizing that the Lord is worthy of our honor because He is both Owner and Giver of all things. Second, it means we give the Lord the
December 5, 2019
ARE YOU AN AGITATOR OR A CALMER? A timely word from the book of Proverbs for today. Is it your goal to “agitate” others with that which has agitated you? Or is it your desire to “calm” others with wisdom, so that the truth of the matter may be revealed? The mocker will incite rioting
October 18, 2019
HOW NOT TO ENCOURAGE THE HEAVY OF HEART There are those who have never experienced loss that think the way to cheer up the one who has is by distraction. However, this response is not only inappropriate but inconsiderate. The one who would encourage will first seek to understand the feelings of the hurting and
August 20, 2019
THE PROVERB WE OFTEN REMEMBER AFTER THE FACT How many have wished they could take back their words? Yet, once said, they linger on. If only there were a delete button to erase ill chosen words. Instead, the more poorly spoken thoughts tend to linger the longest. Better to keep quiet and stay out of
August 19, 2019
THE PURSUIT THAT ONLY CHRIST CAN SATISFY The wisdom God gave to Solomon revealed what one must pursue to find life, righteousness and honor. There appear to be two pursuits, yet they are really one. For righteousness and unfailing love are found only in Christ. Many have tried to pursue righteousness by human effort, but
August 17, 2019
WHAT WE LOVE MATTERS The one who loves pleasure and comfort will eventually live in poverty. So says the proverb, and also anyone who has lived for any length of time. For loving comfort the one fails to work and failing to work, comfort cannot be afforded. Yet, might not the proverb be reversed? So,