November 7, 2022
DO YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE OR GRUMBLING? It wasn’t external enemies that kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land. It was their own internal strife and grumbling among themselves. They complained about the food. They complained against their leader, Moses. They complained against going into the Promised Land. But really they were
October 20, 2022
WHO CAN APPROACH THE THRONE OF GOD? The throne of a human king or judge is elevated by wood or stone and often ornamented by gold and silver to suggest their authority and judgment. But the foundation of the Lord’s throne is “righteousness and justice.” His throne is elevated by His character, which is pure
October 18, 2022
THE PERSISTENT PRAYER FOR GOD’S PRESENCE The Lord is the God of salvation. Yet it is by placing our faith in His Son, Christ Jesus, that we are able to call Him “my” salvation. In Christ, we that were far away, have now been brought near. Although we may feel at times as the psalmist
October 1, 2022
NEARER MY GOD TO THEE The psalmist wrote on the goodness of being near to God and finding shelter under His sovereign care. He declared his desire to “tell everyone” about the “wonderful” deeds of the Lord. Do you know the goodness of being near the Lord? Why not take a moment right now to
September 19, 2022
DAVID’S SWEET PSALM OF PRAYER AND PRAISE David made a commitment to praise and pray to the Lord all the days of his life. The superscription of this psalm states that David was in the wilderness of Judah when he wrote it. Many scholars believe it was written during the time he was hiding from
September 18, 2022
HOW DO WE LET ALL THAT WE ARE WAIT QUIETLY ON GOD? Do many distracting thoughts and conflicting opinions seem to be battling it out within your mind? You try to quiet them, so that you can hear the Lord, but the cacophony remains. What do you do? Ask the Lord to help you, so
September 7, 2022
THE UNFAILING LOVE AND GREAT COMPASSION OF OUR GOD David prayed for God’s mercy and forgiveness after being confronted with his sin with Bathsheba. He did not ask for God’s mercy based on himself, but according to God’s “unfailing love” and “great compassion.” David knew what his sin deserved, yet he cried out for God
August 21, 2022
TAKE MY HAND, PRECIOUS LORD, LEAD ME ON David trusted the Lord to guide and direct him. He had no doubt that the God of the universe had interest in the details of his life. He had learned that God not only delighted in directing him, but the Lord was also always present to lift
August 17, 2022
TELL DEM BONES TO PRAISE THE LORD! David declared his intent to praise the Lord “with every bone” in his body in anticipation of the Lord’s rescue. David would not offer the Lord half-hearted worship. He was a whole-hearted worshiper, and out of that came a commitment to whole-bodied praise. David would hold nothing back
July 26, 2022
DON’T FACE TROUBLE ALONE Is anyone in trouble? Cry out to the Lord. You don’t have to face trouble alone. For the Lord will answer those who call on His name. Yet, we often try to keep our trouble to ourselves. We say, “I got this.” When we know that we don’t. Rather than turning