July 5, 2020
THE LORD SUSTAINS US EVEN WHILE WE SLEEP David wrote this psalm after he had to flee from his son, Absalom, who sought to overthrow him and take the crown. Surely he was overcome by grief from this betrayal. Sleep had no doubt eluded him during this time. Yet, he finally lay down and slept.
July 4, 2020
AMERICA, BLESS GOD! On this date, when we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, we are appropriately thankful for God’s blessing on America. Yet, we are troubled by the constant news of pandemic and rioting. There is so much rage in our land. The first century Christians quoted this same Scripture when they were being
June 28, 2020
POLITICS CAN’T CHANGE PEOPLE’S HEARTS Those who put their trust in political leaders and parties will always be disappointed because they are led by mere men. Only the One who can change the human heart can change the human condition. This proverb, along with today’s Old Testament reading from 2 Kings, both proclaim and illustrate
June 15, 2020
THE BLESSING AND BEAUTY OF UNITY Psalm 133 was written by David and is one of the fifteen psalms with the inscription, “Songs of Ascent.” These psalms (120-134) were to be sung while ascending up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to worship. In this way, worshipers brought their praise with them to the Temple.
June 9, 2020
WHO IS BUILDING YOUR HOUSE? This psalm of Solomon is apt for today’s One Year Bible reading as the Old Testament reading is about the building of the Temple. Yet although God had given Solomon such amazing wisdom, he failed to apply it to his own house. Isn’t this often the case? We know more
June 1, 2020
WHOSE TESTIMONY WILL YOU BELIEVE? Some say that David wrote Psalm 119 to teach his son, Solomon, to love God’s Word, while at the same time, teaching him the Hebrew alphabet. For this beautiful ode to God’s Word is an acrostic poem, with each stanza beginning with one of the twenty-two Hebrew letters. Yet
May 23, 2020
HAVE YOU DETERMINED WHERE TO FIND YOUR DELIGHT? Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem based on the Hebrew alphabet. It is a meditation on the majesty and wonder of God’s Word. Consider the psalmist’s declaration of determination saying, “I will.” He decided in advance to find his delight in God’s statutes. As an act of
May 13, 2020
LET THE LORD BE YOUR DEFENDER David asked the Lord to rescue him from his accusers. Rather than trying to defend himself, he asked the Lord to defend him. Even more, he asked that the Lord would save him in such a way that his accusers would know that it was God who had done
May 11, 2020
THERE IS A REAL SOUL FOOD The psalmist declared that thanksgiving is due to the Lord for His wonderful goodness and mercy. For God is the only one who can truly satisfy the longing of the human soul. There is a thirst and a hunger that the body knows. God created this in man
May 5, 2020
THE WITNESSING POWER OF WORSHIP This is a call to worship. Not only that, it is a call to witness. We might even say that it is a call to the kind of worship that is in itself a witness to the peoples outside the faith. The psalmist called the people of Israel to