
749 results found

“For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!” (Psalms 34:20 NLT).

August 16, 2019

THE SIGN OF UNBROKEN BONES David wrote this psalm during a low period in his life. While hiding from King Saul who sought to kill him, he stooped to playing the madman to escape the Philistine king, Abimelech. Yet, in spite of all of his afflictions, no bones were broken. Clearly, David must have borrowed

“For you bless the godly, O Lord; you surround them with your shield of love” (Psalm 5:12 NLT).

July 7, 2019

SURROUNDED WITH GOD’S SHIELD OF LOVE David wrote of God’s loving-favor and blessing as a shield that surrounded him, both protecting him from harm without and comforting him with acceptance within. It may seem unusual to visualize God’s love and favor as a shield, which is a defensive weapon of war. But David felt surrounded

“Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful” (Psalm 149:1 NLT).

July 1, 2019

WHY SING A NEW SONG TO THE LORD? The Scripture often instructs that a “new song” be sung to the Lord? In fact, this is in the Bible a total of nine times: six in the Psalms, once in Isaiah, and twice in Revelation. So, why does the Lord desire a new song from his

“The Lord frees the prisoners. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down” (Psalm 146:7-8 NLT).

June 28, 2019

ONLY THE LORD CAN . . . Only the Lord can truly set free those who are enslaved by sin and their own addictions to their over-desires for more, even though more never satisfies. “The Lord frees the prisoners.”   Only the Lord can truly open the eyes of the spiritually blind, who wonder aimlessly

“Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.” (Psalm 141:3 NLT).

June 23, 2019

TAMING THE TONGUE David understood something about the human tongue, no one can control it. We need help from the Lord to tame the tongue. So, David prayed that God would take control of his words and set a guard over his lips.   The Spirit inspired James to write about the same topic saying,

“You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do” (Psalm 139:3 NLT).

June 21, 2019

ARE YOU GLAD FOR GOD’S ATTENTION? The psalmist David wrote of his wonder at God’s constant awareness and attention towards him. He considered it wonderful that God would be so attentive to him.   Yet, not everyone wants God to see everywhere they go and know everything they do. They desire a secret life hidden

“Beside the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept as we thought of Jerusalem” (Psalm 137:1 NLT).

June 19, 2019

HAVE WE BECOME SO COMFORTABLE IN BABYLON THAT WE HAVE FORGOTTEN ZION? The Jewish captives composed this melancholy song while exiled in Babylon. Having lost their homes in Judah and seeing their holy city Jerusalem with its Temple destroyed, they gathered somewhere on the shores of the Euphrates, and wept. Surely they mourned as homesick

“The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22 NLT).

May 22, 2019

CHRIST IS OUR CHIEF CORNERSTONE Every stone in the Hebrew Temple was inspected for flaws by the builders. The stones where cut from a quarry some distance away and had to not only fit their designated location in the Temple, but they had to be without imperfection to support its weight. Of all the stones

“I walk in the Lord’s presence as I live here on earth” (Psalms 116:9 NLT).

May 19, 2019

ARE YOU AWARE OF THE LORD’S PRESENCE IN YOUR LIFE? The psalmist wrote of his constant awareness of the Lord’s presence in His life even as he attended to the everyday things of life here on earth. It is a psalm of praise for the Lord’s attentive ear and caring heart, which the psalmist had

“May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord” (Psalms 104:34 NLT).

May 4, 2019

SURRENDERING EVERY THOUGHT TO THE LORD The psalmist expressed his desire that “all” his thoughts would please the Lord. Stated in the subjunctive, the psalmist recognized that his desire was more like a wish or prayer, than a certainty. For who can control their thoughts? We can be determined to rejoice, but our minds often