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“Let your favor shine on your servant. In your unfailing love, rescue me” (Psalm 31:16 NLT).

August 10, 2018

David knew how to request God’s help based on God’s attributes rather than on his own worthiness. He didn’t negotiate with God, offering to make a sacrifice or some other payment. No, he based his supplications on God’s ability and willingness to bless. Notice how David prayed, asking God to “shine” on him according to God’s “favor” (“Your favor”). And asking God to “rescue” him according to God’s “unfailing love” (“Your unfailing love”).

We can do the same. We can ask for God to shine down on us and rescue us based on His divine favor and unfailing love. In fact, we can pray in the Name of Jesus, upon whom God’s favor rests and in whom He has expressed His unfailing love.

Receive Your Child from the Lord

July 15, 2018 | Psalm 127:1-5 | Christian parenting, parenting

Every parent feels under qualified at one point or another. But we have a source of help in God’s Word. In Psalm 127, Solomon wrote about the necessity of recognizing the Lord as the One builds families and watches over them, so that we receive our children and how to parent them from the Lord.

“Come quickly, Lord, and answer me, for my depression deepens. Don’t turn away from me, or I will die.” (Psalms 143:7 NLT).

June 25, 2018

David prayed that the Lord would give a quick answer to his need. For he was in a deep depression. Those who struggle with depression attest that the pain to the soul is greater than any pain to the body. David despaired that God would either wait in answering or even worse, turn away from him. Depression can make even the most committed believer feel that God has forsaken them. Yet, David had learned to pray out his feelings of depression. He did not struggle alone, as depression tempts one to do. But David cried out to the Lord for help.

A Psalm for the Hurting

June 3, 2018 | Psalm 25

If pain is unavoidable in this life and there are so many struggles that cause us pain, what can we do? Just as pain moves us to call the doctor, it can moves us to call on the Lord. That’s what the psalmist David did. Listen to how he called on the Lord concerning his hurts:

Psalm 25:18 (ESV) Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins.

In Psalm 25, David lifted up his hurting soul to the Lord for help. We can lift up our hurting souls to the Lord for help.

A Psalm for the Anxious

May 27, 2018 | Psalm 91 | anxiety, anxious

Do you feel anxious often? Psalm 91 has been a favorite psalm for many who are anxious. In Psalm 91, the Psalmist wrote that those experiencing fearful anxiety could find relief by abiding in the Lord. We can experience relief from fearful anxiety when we abide in the Lord.

A Psalm for the Angry

May 20, 2018 | Psalm 4 | anger

Anger is a powerful emotion, and if we let it control us, it can destroy relationships and cause harm to our souls. In Psalm 4, King David had received help from the Lord for his anger towards those who had betrayed him and he sought to advise them how they might rightly handle their anger as well. We can receive help from the Lord to rightly handle our anger.

A Psalm for the Discontent

May 13, 2018 | Psalm 131 | discontentment

Are you content? Happy with your life, your job, your house, your marriage, your kids…? Or do you struggle with discontentment? Does a constant restlessness plague you, so that you never feel fully satisfied and at peace? We go to a doctor when our bodies are sick, but where do we go when we need help for our souls? Go to the Psalms. They are God’s medicine for the soul!

In Psalm 131, David wrote of how he overcame his discontentment by finding contentment in the Lord. We can overcome our discontentment by finding contentment in the Lord.

“I will count Egypt and Babylon among those who know me— also Philistia and Tyre, and even distant Ethiopia. They have all become citizens of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 87:4 NLT).

April 18, 2018

The psalmist prophesied a day when the Lord would “count” even those who had been Israel’s enemies as friends. Both Egypt and Babylon had dominated and enslaved Israel. Philistia was a constant near threat. Tyre, a commercial ally, was a conduit of idolatry. And Ethiopia, the distant land of Cush and the Queen of Sheba, had long desired a closer relationship. Yet, there is coming a Day when all shall be brought near. All that “know” the Lord shall be counted as friends and “citizens of Jerusalem.”

“A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked” (Psalm 84:10 NLT).

April 15, 2018

The psalmist meditated on his love of worshiping and serving in the Temple courts. He would rather have one day in the Temple courts than a thousand elsewhere. He would rather take the lowest position in God’s house than the highest seat in the house of sinners. He loved being in God’s presence worshiping with God’s people.

There are many things that compete for our worship and many voices invite our fellowship, but worshiping and serving together with God’s people in God’s house is better.

“But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress” (Psalm 59:16 NLT).

March 16, 2018

David wrote this psalm regarding the time that Saul was pursuing him to kill him. Yet, notice how he determined to begin each day. He started his days with singing and thanksgiving for God’s power and love and for being his refuge during hard times. David knew how to “encourage himself in the Lord” (1 Sam. 30:6 KJV). He knew how to get his morning praise on to get his day started right with God.

Have you learned to begin each morning with singing and praise? It will change your day!