February 6, 2014
When we receive God’s comfort, He not only wipes away our tears, He strengthens our weak knees and sagging spirits, so that our “mourning is turned into dancing.” This comfort flows to us in such abundance as to produce an overflow, a surplus that we can share with others. Imagine the drastic transformation of the disciples on Easter morn and you get a sense of this comfort that moved them from discouragement to delight.
January 28, 2014
This Davidic psalm is so well known in the KJV that it’s difficult to read it any other version (“…I shall not want.”). Yet, as comforting as the familiar KJV verse is, sometimes it’s helpful to read it in another version to help unpack its meaning. Here, the NLT reading caused me to focus on the Lord as my shepherd more than my wants/needs. In other words, all my true and deepest needs are satisfied in the Lord Himself. I still prefer the beautiful KJV for most of my memorization work, but occasionally another version causes me to see Scripture afresh. Here’s my paraphrase as a result of today’s reading: “I have the Lord as my shepherd, so what else could I possibly need?”
January 23, 2014
A psalm of David, one he surely wrote while laying under the stars at night watching over his father’s sheep. Today, our most powerful telescopes are pointed at the heavens. New discoveries are made everyday, pointing to the vastness and variety of the universe. Our scientists know more about the stars than David ever dreamed. But they could learn much from him as well.
January 21, 2014
This spiritual principle is found throughout Scripture, that God helps the humble, but opposes the proud. Being humble does not mean having low self esteem. It means to rightly esteem God and others above yourself. It means to give credit to God and others for your success and blessing. The proud person is often truly the one with a low self image or self doubt. As a result they puff themselves up and take credit to make themselves look better. Who gets the credit in your life?
January 14, 2014
We make promises that we don’t always keep. We may mean well, but circumstances may change that prevent us from keeping our word. But God is not a man. His Word is more powerful than any challenge. His promises are like pure “silver.” No circumstance can hinder His Word. His promises are true. Where do you put your trust?
January 9, 2014
Wholehearted praise is the only appropriate response when recognizing God’s name and works. When we recognize who God is (His Name), and see the “marvelous things” He has done (His works), our response is always worship. Those who don’t worship God have failed to recognize God’s character and creation. But since we were made for worship, they give their praise to other lesser things (nature, sports teams, rock stars…). Who gets your worship?
January 5, 2014
Psalm 139:13-15
Jonathan Combs kicked off our SHAPEd for Significance sermon series with this introductory sermon. We learn in Psalm 139 that God creates us personally and uniquely for a purpose. Will you join the #shapedchallenge to discover why God created you?
December 29, 2013
The psalmist wrote to call all of creation to worship. He began with the inhabitants of heaven (angels, hosts, sun, moon, stars) and ended with the earth (sea creatures, the deep, snow, rain, fire, mountains, hills, trees, beasts, creeping things, birds, kings, princes, old men, young men, maidens and children). He calls them to praise the Lord because of two reasons: 1) Who God is, and 2) What God has done. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of earth have not answered this call to join the heavenly host in praise. The earth has become what CS Lewis called the “silent planet.” Our mission is to join the psalmist in calling all nations and tribes to worship the Lord, to proclaim the Name and Salvation of our Lord until every knee bows and every tongue confesses. To call the inhabitants of earth to join the heavenly chorus and to be silent no more.
December 27, 2013
Those who put their trust in governments should recognize that they are only made up of men. These “princes” cannot save. Only God can save. Put your trust in God alone. Less politics. More prayer.
December 22, 2013
This psalm of David shows his familiarity with the worship of the Tabernacle. The temple incense was made from a recipe of ingredients that were not to be used elsewhere. The priests burned the incense in censers that filled the temple with their fragrance. The daily evening sacrifice was a burnt offering whose smoke would waft upward from the temple altar. David asks God to accept his prayer as incense and his lifted hands as sacrifice. Perhaps David was hiding in a cave or laying down under the stars, far from the house of the Lord. He asked God to let his voice and body be like the tabernacle’s worship.