August 16, 2012
How much trouble must you be in before calling on the Lord? Some call only when all else has failed. Others have learned to call at the first sign of difficulty. Like a child, they have learned to depend on the Lord for everything. Have you considered that troubles may come to teach us dependence on God? Sin and spiritual independence are related. Trusting and depending on Jesus is the antidote.
August 13, 2012
A generation that believes the universe is self-existent has no need to be in awe of a Creator. They worship human intellect and pour out their passion on natural lusts. Believing they are mere mammals, they prove it to themselves by acting on baser instincts. But what if there is a Creator who spoke us into existence? And what if He speaks again?
August 12, 2012
Jesus has cleared our record of guilt. This does not mean that we are sinless, but that we are forgiven. This gives us the freedom to live in complete honesty with ourselves and others. We no longer hide our sin. We confess it, agreeing with God, and asking Him to cleanse us. What joy to be able to walk in the light of day, not fearing condemnation. No more excuses. No defending. Just depending on the cross of Christ. What joy to be free to live wholly for Jesus!
August 8, 2012
David knew what it meant to grieve the loss a loved one. Yet in the midst of grieving he learned that he could exchange his mourning for joy in the Lord. Are you grieving a loss today? Bring it to Jesus. Leave it with Him. Let Jesus turn your mourning into dancing.
August 4, 2012
When I am in a fog, fearing the unknown, Jesus is my light, showing the way. When I am drowning in sin and failure, Jesus is my salvation, giving me a fresh start. When others attack and criticize, Jesus is my fortress, reminding me that I live to please an audience of One. No fear.
July 31, 2012
David’s psalm teaches us an important lesson: God is owner and we are His stewards. This is why we should offer the first part of every week, every day and every dollar to God in worship. By offering God our first fruits, we acknowledge His ownership of all.
July 28, 2012
David wrote this Messianic psalm that predicted not only what Christ would say on the cross but the manner of His death as well. The Son of David took our place, offering us His. He took our sin, our separation, and our death. He offers us His righteousness, His relationship with the Father and eternal life. God forsook Him to embrace us.
July 23, 2012
How many of God’s promises do you know? Have you yet prayed them? The Lord keeps them all. He loves to hear His children pray His Word back to Him. Pick a promise today and put it on like body armor. God’s promises always come true.
July 17, 2012
A psalm of David. He didn’t think it unmanly to sing to his God. This warrior/poet/king was a worshiper. The shepherd king who slew a giant is also the author of most of the psalms. His harp playing and singing were so spirit-filled that they calmed king Saul’s disturbed soul. David was once accused of being undignified in his worship. To which he replied, “I will become even more undignified than this!” Real men of God worship!
July 15, 2012
Psalm 42:1-6,8
Stephen Combs, Pastor of Worship and Youth at Wilson Community Church, speaking on the word “Hope” on Sunday, July 15th.