July 7, 2012
Agreeing with the Psalmist this morning… Lord, thank you for listening to me. You are always faithful to hear my prayers. I await Your reply. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening too.
July 7, 2012
Agreeing with the Psalmist this morning… Lord, thank you for listening to me. You are always faithful to hear my prayers. I await Your reply. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening too.
July 6, 2012
After years of running from Saul and sleeping in caves, David is thankful for a peaceful night’s sleep. Fear and worry can rob us of sleep, but trusting the Lord brings rest. Are you having trouble sleeping? Try reading God’s Word and praying before you turn out the light. Say “Goodnight” to God as you close your eyes and prepare to sleep like a baby.
July 4, 2012
On this July 4th I’m reminded that our nation was founded on the premise that earthly kings must submit to God’s order. To go against the Lord and His Anointed (Messiah/Christ) is ultimately futile. We are “endowed” by our “Creator with certain unalienable rights” our founders rightly observed. Kings and nations who forget this do so at their own peril. We do well to ask God to bless America. We do even better to ask Americans to bless God.
June 27, 2012
Our children learn worship from us. Teach them to worship in spirit and truth. Tell them what Christ has done and how He has saved and sanctified us! Tell of His mighty acts!
June 24, 2012
David’s prayer from a cave, while hiding from King Saul. Have you ever been in a “cave,” a place of darkness and despair? You can pray like David. God already knows what you’re thinking, so don’t hold back. Pour out your heart. Then, wait for His grace and mercy to arrive.
June 20, 2012
David wanted God’s plan and trusted Him to work it out. When you pray, do you ask for God’s plan or do you ask Him to help with yours? When we call Christ “Lord,” we are giving up control of our lives and yielding it to Him. He is either Lord of all or not lord at all. Surrender you plans to God. His plans are better than ours.
June 12, 2012
The Psalmist counted/depended on the Lord. He was banking on God and His Word. On what/whom do you depend? What is the source of your hope? We may not know what the future holds, but we can know Who holds the future!
June 9, 2012
Are you having trouble at your house? Marital woes? Parenting fatigue? Money worries? Ask God to help. There are too many factors beyond your control. Give God control. Give Him your spouse, your marriage, your kids, your money … Give God your house! Let Him build a family that lasts forever.
June 8, 2012
Planting seed is hard work. You dig, you plant, then you wait to see if anything will come up. This season of working and waiting is difficult. Yet when you are faithful to plant good seed, one day the harvest comes. So don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith. Stay faithful and wait. The harvest is coming.
May 29, 2012
The Psalmist describes both his head and heart’s response to God’s Word. He loves the Word and thinks about it all day. Is your heart stirred by the Word? Does it capture your thinking?