April 1, 2012
Do you depend on your own strength? No matter how many vitamins or supplements you take, your health will wane. But God’s strength is available to you forever. Draw on Him. Depend on Him. God never fails.
April 1, 2012
Do you depend on your own strength? No matter how many vitamins or supplements you take, your health will wane. But God’s strength is available to you forever. Draw on Him. Depend on Him. God never fails.
March 26, 2012
Where is death threatening today? In your marriage or other close relationship? Perhaps in your body as you’re getting older or the doctor has given a scary diagnosis? There are little “deaths” that we die along the road to dying. But our God saves. This salvation will overcome all death.
March 22, 2012
Is there a repetitive sin area that plagues your life? Or a sin that you have trouble receiving forgiveness for? Come to Jesus. Don’t let sin overwhelm you. He has paid for them all. Why should you carry a debt that He has paid? Come, experience true forgiveness. Come and be set free!
March 19, 2012
David trusted God for the victory in his life. How do you define victory or success? How could waiting quietly before God possibly have anything to do with succeeding? Only those who recognize that knowing and pleasing God is the highest success will understand David’s prayer.
March 16, 2012
David chose to sing praises to God in spite of his circumstances. Are you discouraged? Sing praises to God and be encouraged in the Lord.
March 11, 2012
David pleads for God’s presence. We can too. Of course, God is omnipresent, but this is a prayer for His manifest presence. Let us pray the same on this Sunday morning: “Come Lord Jesus! Be present among us!”
March 8, 2012
David’s psalm of confession after committing adultery with Bathsheba. He prayed for forgiveness not because he deserved it, but according to God’s great love. God ultimately answered David’s prayer by sending Jesus. Have you sinned? Cry out to Jesus. He forgives according to His great mercy, not according to your desert.
February 28, 2012
Not my bank acct or credit card. Not according to my reason or resources, but according to God’s. I will place my trust in Him today for the enemy I face.
February 25, 2012
This joy speaks of what Jesus said about giving: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Today, our church is hanging food bags to ask our neighbors to partner with us in feeding the hungry. Come experience the joy with us!
February 23, 2012
It is not burdensome duty, but beloved devotion that motivates a believer’s following. This is not the external pressure of the law, but the internal heart change that the Spirit gives. We joyfully choose God’s will until our wills come into alignment, wanting what He wants.