April 20, 2011
Creation week establishes God’s ownership, Passion Week, His redemption. The first Adam rebelled and God’s good creation fell. The Second Adam obeyed and through Him everything is being made new again. Acknowledge what Christ has done for us!
April 12, 2011
What God said to Israel, parents say to their children. “Open wide. Trust me. It’s good.” God is ready to fill us with good things, if only we will open wide to receive them.
April 9, 2011
Great leaders have both character and competence. Don’t make the mistake of promoting/electing without both. Those desiring to lead should vigilantly protect their integrity and humbly study to sharpen their leadership skills (Leaders are readers).
April 1, 2011
American consumerism is a slippery slope for those pursuing righteousness. Don’t lose your foothold. Live for what lasts.
March 30, 2011
Leave a spiritual legacy. Be known among your children and grandchildren as a sold-out, Christ-follower! Nothing else really matters!
March 20, 2011
How David spent a sleepless night. Did his thoughts of God give him rest that dreams would not? There is a rest deeper than sleep found in Christ alone.
March 19, 2011
Even our work should come from a place of rest knowing that Christ has finished the work of our salvation. All is well. Rest in Him.
March 14, 2011
Rather than asking for God to help me with my plans, I’m crying out for His. Fulfill Your purpose in/for me.
March 12, 2011
Turn your worrying into prayer, your wasted self-talk into Divine petition. Then, rest. The LORD will “never” let you fall.
March 6, 2011
To redeem is to purchase by paying the price in exchange for another’s life. Who can afford the cost of eternal life? Only One who has such life to give.