
754 results found

“On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night” (Psalm 63:6)

March 20, 2011

How David spent a sleepless night. Did his thoughts of God give him rest that dreams would not? There is a rest deeper than sleep found in Christ alone.

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him” (Psalm 62:5)

March 19, 2011

Even our work should come from a place of rest knowing that Christ has finished the work of our salvation. All is well. Rest in Him.

“I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me” (Psalm 57:2)

March 14, 2011

Rather than asking for God to help me with my plans, I’m crying out for His. Fulfill Your purpose in/for me.

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalm 55:22)

March 12, 2011

Turn your worrying into prayer, your wasted self-talk into Divine petition. Then, rest. The LORD will “never” let you fall.

“No man can redeem the life of another…But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself” (Psalm 49:7, 15)

March 6, 2011

To redeem is to purchase by paying the price in exchange for another’s life. Who can afford the cost of eternal life? Only One who has such life to give.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

March 3, 2011

Dial down the noise. Come away from your worry and busy-ness. Listen for the Whisper. And know.

“Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God” (Psalm 43:4)

February 27, 2011

Today, we will go to worship. We will proclaim Your Word and the Gospel concerning Your Son. We will praise you with the Taylor acoustic, with the Stratocaster, and with the drums. We will lift our hands and hearts to sing with joy!

“Show me, O LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life” (Psalm 39:4)

February 22, 2011

Recognizing the brevity of life should put a holy urgency in us, a desire to live life like we were dying. Yet most wallow and waste their minutes, hours and days as if there were an unlimited supply. If you knew Jesus would call you home tomorrow, how would you live today?

“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil” (Psalm 37:8)

February 18, 2011

Anger and worry are a dangerous combination. Turn from it. Let God handle those who have offended you. Forgive and trust God for the outcome.

“A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all” (Psalm 34:19)

February 14, 2011

God never promised a trouble-free life. But He did promise to be with us through them and to deliver us from them all.