February 13, 2011
Fleeing from Saul into the lands of the king of Gath, David was beset by fear on every side. So David sought the Lord. Are you anxious and afraid today? Seek the Lord and He will deliver you.
February 13, 2011
Fleeing from Saul into the lands of the king of Gath, David was beset by fear on every side. So David sought the Lord. Are you anxious and afraid today? Seek the Lord and He will deliver you.
February 8, 2011
David trusted the Lord knowing that the time of his birth, death, and every appointment in between was in God’s hands. Who’s in charge of your schedule today?
February 4, 2011
Can you empty your heart’s concern upon the Lord as David did? Carrying all to Jesus our heavy hearts are made light and free to leap and sing! This will seem foolish to some. Only those who have been weighed down and then set free understand this.
January 28, 2011
Where are you still “wanting?” That is the very place that you are not letting the Lord shepherd you yet. Give Him your wanting. Then, trust the Shepherd of your soul.
January 27, 2011
For 2 millenia this prophecy is true. Every generation has told the next about Christ. However, it only takes one generation that fails to pass the torch to the next. Let’s be the parents and the church that teaches our children about Jesus!
January 26, 2011
David was inspired to write it. The Son of David actually experienced it. David had never seen a Roman crucifixion, yet Psalm 22 describes it in detail. Christ fulfilled David’s words 1,000 years later. This was no accident. Christ came to die for us.
January 21, 2011
And God has stooped down, offering His Son to us, exchanging His righteousness for our sin. In Christ, God stooped down to make us great!
January 14, 2011
Have you ever felt like the Psalmist? Observing the news, media and politics of our land, do you despair? Don’t. Elijah thought he was the only one faithful in his generation, but God always has a remnant. Perhaps He is calling you to pray and call fire down from heaven.
January 9, 2011
It’s Sunday morning. Let’s go do what David did!