January 26, 2011
David was inspired to write it. The Son of David actually experienced it. David had never seen a Roman crucifixion, yet Psalm 22 describes it in detail. Christ fulfilled David’s words 1,000 years later. This was no accident. Christ came to die for us.
January 21, 2011
And God has stooped down, offering His Son to us, exchanging His righteousness for our sin. In Christ, God stooped down to make us great!
January 14, 2011
Have you ever felt like the Psalmist? Observing the news, media and politics of our land, do you despair? Don’t. Elijah thought he was the only one faithful in his generation, but God always has a remnant. Perhaps He is calling you to pray and call fire down from heaven.
January 9, 2011
It’s Sunday morning. Let’s go do what David did!
October 3, 2010
Psalm 104:1-9
The hymn, “How Great Thou Art” was written through the contributions of many people. In the conclusion of this series, we are looking at Psalm 104, a poetic retelling of the creation story that reveals how great our God truly is.
June 17, 2010
Trusting manmade weapons to defeat terrorism is idolatry. America must not trust in its own wealth and power. “In God we trust,” must be more than an inscription. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).
May 16, 2010
Psalm 119:34
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Parenting Your Child’s Heart” series. This message discusses the importance of communication that fosters true understanding, taken from the book of Psalms. The Psalmist cries out to God for heart to heart understanding. He wanted to know and be known by God. He wanted his behavior and his heart attitude to be in line with the Father’s heart. Our children need the same thing. We can answer their heart’s cry for understanding and for a purpose to live by that will give order to their behavior and inspiration for their hearts.
July 26, 2009
Psalm 34:8-10
Is God good? Many of us have no doubt that God is real. But is He Good? Does He really have your best interest in mind?
March 1, 2009
Psalm 103
prayer, spiritual disciplines