December 12, 2021
JESUS WARNS AGAINST BEING LUKEWARM “You are lukewarm!” These words were spoken by Jesus to the apostle John to pass on to the church at Laodicea. The ruins of this ancient city are located in the Western part of modern day Turkey. It’s geographic location gives insight to the words of Jesus. Located in the
December 10, 2021
DOES JESUS HAVE YOUR FIRST LOVE? John’s revelation began with seven letters from Jesus to seven churches. Each letter mentioned something specific to the city in which the church was located. Most of the letters began with a commendation followed by a correction. This was the case with the first letter, which was written to
December 31, 2020
THE BOOK OF REVELATION IS FOR THE CHURCH As John reported the occasion and purpose of his writing in Revelation 1, so now at its conclusion, he reminds us again. Jesus appeared to him and sent an angel to show to him the “things which must shortly come to pass” (Rev. 1:1). And John was
December 30, 2020
ARE YOU BOUND FOR THAT CITY? John saw the “holy city,” the “New Jerusalem,” come down. This is the very place that Christ went to prepare, saying, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?And if I
December 27, 2020
FUTURE COLLAPSE OF THE ONE WORLD ECONOMY In Revelation 18, John recorded his vision of the fall of commercial Babylon. Babylon represents humanity’s Satan-inspired attempt to create a one world religion, government, and economy that glorifies man instead of God. Man’s first attempt at creating Babylon took place not long after the Flood, when
December 26, 2020
CHRIST THE LAMB HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD In the apostle John’s revelation, he saw a beast with ten horns, which is the Antichrist and the ten nations that unite to follow him. They unite to “make war with the Lamb,” which is Christ Jesus, and with “those who are with Him.” Yet, they are doomed
December 20, 2020
THY KINGDOM COME With the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the host of heaven shouted with loud voices that the world’s kingdoms had finally come under Christ and that He would reign over them for eternity. The Lord’s Prayer is answered. God’s kingdom has come! When will this be? No one knows, but God
December 17, 2020
THE SEVENTH SEAL IS OPENED REVEALING SEVEN ANGELS WITH SEVEN TRUMPETS John saw the Lamb open the seventh seal. And then he saw the seven angels who stand before God, each given a trumpet. A silence fell over heaven in anticipation of the sounding of the trumpets. Then, the angels stood with their trumpets, each
December 16, 2020
THE LORD WILL WIPE AWAY EVERY TEAR There was a pause after the opening of the 6th seal. And John saw a great multitude join with the four living creatures and the 24 elders in worshiping the Lord. One of the elders asked John whether he knew who they were and from where they had
December 15, 2020
THE FIRST SIX SEALS OPENED #OYB Dec15: “Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals” (Revelation 6:1 NKJV). THE FIRST SIX SEALS OPENED In chapter 6 of Revelation, John recorded his vision of the opening of six of the seven seals by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. The opening of