Pastor Gary Combs responds to a question about a recent sermon. The question is from the reading in Zechariah 11:10, which reads: “And I took my staff Favor, and I broke it, annulling the covenant that I had made with all the peoples.”
The question submitted was: “Which covenant was annulled by the breaking of the staff Favor? I thought God would not break a covenant?”
In his answer, Pastor Gary referred to eight biblical covenants. The chart below is offered as a help to those who would like to consider this further.
1. Edenic | Genesis 1:28–30; 2:16-17 | For all humanity. Sets out the conditions for the life of unfallen man. | Conditional. Broken by Adam and Eve |
2. Adamic | Genesis 3:14-19 | For all humanity. Sets out the conditions for man’s life on the earth after the fall. | Conditional. Much in this covenant is perpetual throughout all generations until the curse is lifted (Rom. 8:19–23). |
3. Noahic | Genesis 8:20–9:27 | For all humanity. Discloses the divine intent respecting humanity in all succeeding generations beginning with Noah. | Unconditional. This is the “rainbow” covenant, promising that God will never destroy all life by flood again. |
4. Abrahamic | Genesis 12:1–3; 13:14–17; 15:1–18; 17:1–8 | For Israel This covenant guarantees everlasting blessings upon Abraham, his seed, and all the families of the earth. | Unconditional. Primarily for Israel, but also that all nations would be blessed from their Promised Seed, namely Jesus. |
5. Mosaic | Exodus 20:1–31:18 | For Israel. This is the Old Covenant, which directed the moral, social, and religious life of Israel, promising either blessing or curse based on their obedience. | Conditional. Broken by Israel. And later fulfilled and made obsolete by the New Covenant given through Christ Jesus. |
6. Palestinian | Deuteronomy 30:1-9 | For Israel. Discloses what Jehovah will yet do in regathering, blessing, and restoring Israel to her own land. | Both conditional/unconditional. If Israel repents, they will be restored to the land. |
7. Davidic | 2 Samuel 7:5–19 | For Israel. Secures three advantages to Israel through David, namely, an everlasting throne, an everlasting kingdom, and an everlasting King. | Unconditional. This has been, is being, will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Son of David. |
8. New | Jeremiah 31:31–34; Hebrews 8:1-13 | For all humanity. This covenant is “new” in the sense that it supersedes as a rule of life the Mosaic Covenant that Israel broke. | Both conditional/unconditional. If we believe in Christ, will be saved. |
Thank you Pastor Gary for your thoughtful answer. I have never heard a better presentation on biblical covenants. It would be great if you could do a sermon series on these covenants but in the meantime you’ve given me a lot to study on my own. Again thank you.